Monday, December 9, 2013

Casting Call for milk and peanut allergy families in California!!!

I got an e-mail from Ian Young regarding a show they are making on allergies.  Because my son is now challenge testing, we are not a good fit, however, if you live in CA and think you may be a good fit, please contact Ian (see e-mail message and contact information below):

Good morning, I found your website and wanted to discuss our show with you.  FARE is teaming up with us to do a show on dairy and peanut allergies.     I would love to see if your family is right for the project and if not, perhaps you know a family who is.  Please contact me at your earliest convenience.  We need to lock down a family for this project in the next couple of days and the stipulations of what we require are specific enough that we lose out on a lot of families.  Looking forward to speaking with you!  The episode will be all about how to make a birthday cake for kids with Dairy and Peanut allergies.

Ian Young I Supervising Casting Director I
Trium Entertainment
10960 Ventura Blvd 2nd Floor Studio City, CA 91604
Skype:  TriumIT
Twitter:  iyoungcasting

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